About half of all university students in the Netherlands suffer from mental health issues, according to a recent survey. Reason enough for DUB to dedicate an entire print magazine to the topic. But who better than students themselves to talk about the things that trouble them? That's why we invited them to be the journalists this time. You can pick up your magazine (in Dutch) all around the campus and read the same articles in English on our website. For a complete overview of our news and articles, visit dub.uu.nl/en.
DUB launches magazine about students' mental health
Made by students for students, our latest print magazine delves into topics like stress, perfectionism, expectations, and relationships. Renske, one of the students who participated in the project, tells more. Read more
DUB forced to stop diversity survey short
Last week, DUB invited students and employees to fill in a survey about diversity and inclusion as part of a wider study with other universities. Now, the data collection has to be put to a halt because a blog urged readers to disrupt the survey by filling it in themselves. Read more
Why UU quit a European project prematurely
In May, UU pulled out of an Erasmus+ research project on the professionalisation of teachers. The decision was made after conflicts with a Japanese-American researcher who was involved in the project setup. What can we learn from this failed enterprise? Read more
Do you like to write? Interested in sharing your views and experiences on university life with the entire UU community? Then you should definitely enter the competition to become DUB's Campus Columnist in 2023! In addition to publishing a column every two weeks for a year, the winner will get a stipend of 1,000 euro. More details here.
DUB Magazine - Studying without stress
Some of the articles you can find on our magazine
How are UU students really doing?
Nearly a thousand UU students made an appointment with the student psychologists last year. In its print magazine about mental health, DUB speaks with two student psychologists to understand what is troubling our students. Read more
Why you wonder if you're dating the right person
A lively party scene, countless dating apps, disappearing taboos. Students seem to have endless options when it comes to sex and relationships. Many of them feel overwhelmed, indecisive or under pressure. Read more
'I took an exam while I was in labour'
DUB interviewed three students who overcame obstacles to graduate, showing that a student's path doesn't have to be "perfect". Esmée Daalman got her Bachelor's diploma last year after years of procrastination and struggling to make choices. Read more
International students more likely to drop out than Dutch students
Since 2011, one in four international university undergraduates has left the Netherlands in less than four years, without graduating, informs the Netherlands Inspectorate of Education. Read more
Student loan interest rate rising: what does that mean for you?
The interest rate on student debt is going up but not everyone will notice it straight away. At the same time, some former students may actually end up paying more than you would imagine. A quick FAQ. Read more
DUB's quick stress test: 75 percent of students stressed out often or all the time
Before the summer break, DUB asked the students among its readers to answer a quick questionnaire on stress. A third of the respondents said they had been stressed out the entire year. Read more
Biggest scabies outbreak in years
The number of scabies cases received by family doctors is the highest in several years. It's been growing rapidly since the end of last year. Youngsters and students are likely to be at risk during the entire autumn and winter. Read more
Rainbow bike path is a nice symbolic gesture but UU must be more inclusive
A nice symbolic gesture, but that’s about it. This is what more than half of the students and employees of Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht and HU think about the rainbow bike path at the Utrecht Science Park. Read more
‘Relating to a novel helps us discuss our own experiences’
Everyone at UU is invited to read Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo as part of the One Book One Campus project. “I really hope that it will catch on with students,” says initiator Agnes Andeweg. Read more
Number of temporary contracts rises at Dutch universities; UU remains the champion
The number of temporary contracts at Dutch universities keeps on growing, revealed the Minister of Education, Robbert Dijkgraaf, in a response to the House of Representatives. The rise has happened despite the protests and the lawsuit against UU. Read more
Walking through De Uithof
Campus Columnist - Chandni volunteered to give first-year students a tour of the Utrecht Science Park even though she wasn't that familiarised with the campus herself. In this column, she shares what she liked most about the buildings. Read more
Budget for Covid-related research delays will come for sure
The government earmarked millions of euros to support researchers whose projects have been delayed by Covid. Much of the budget has yet to be allocated but the minister says researchers will get it soon. Read more
Other European countries also considering new Recognition & Rewards system
Dutch universities have signed an agreement designed to reform how scientific research is assessed and rewarded. The agreement is the provisional outcome of a concerted European effort. Read more
Threats against scientists: 'We really should do something about that'
The virologist Marion Koopmans joined the 2022 College Tour as part of the Utrecht Science Week. She spoke about her time as a student in Veterinary Sciences and the threats she got as a member of the OMT. Read more
Masterclass about diversity: masterful examples of privilege
Opinion - To Laura Hendricx, UU made a bad decision when inviting the Dutch writer Joris Luyendijk to lead a session to help UU managers become aware of their privileges. Why not invite someone who knows what it's like not to have privileges instead? Read more
Times Higher Education Ranking: Netherlands drops, UU goes up
Seven Dutch universities have dropped down the world university rankings, as compiled by the British magazine Times Higher Education. In contrast, four universities have climbed a few places. UU is one of them: it went from 69th place to 66th. Read more
Students play important role in sustained protests in Iran
It's been weeks since young people started protesting against the religious regime in Iran. Iranian universities are a big part of the movement, as demonstrations take place at many campuses every single day. Read more
Supporting the communist party is just a formality, say Chinese PhD students
Chinese PhD students on a grant from the China Scholarship Council have to meet some dubious requirements, which has prompted queries from several Dutch university administrations. Read more
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Read much more at www.dub.uu.nl/en. Coming up: Italian students react to the election of Giorgia Meloni; Meet the new student members of the UU Council.