UU needs to save money and aims to be more sustainable. Hence its decision to reduce the opening hours of many buildings. However, the measure surprised the university community and the UU Council felt bypassed. Meanwhile, fraternity USC is in the news once again for allegedly inappropriate behaviour. Lastly, DUB delves into the data about recent graduates and housing. It turns out the shortage is so dire that many just move back in with their parents. For a complete overview of our news and articles, visit dub.uu.nl/en.
Many UU buildings will open later and close earlier
UU will save on receptionists and energy costs by reducing the opening hours of its buildings, including the library at Science Park. Many buildings will be closed during the Christmas and summer holidays. Read more
How do graduates find a place to live after obtaining their diplomas?
Video and infographics - DUB joined forces with students of the data visualisation minor to show how hard it is for graduates to find a place to life - and when they do, where and how they live. "Think of your home search as a side job," says a UU graduate. Read more
Zoë Knoller encourages students to talk to each other about sensitive topics
The Israeli-Dutch student Zoë Knoller joined forces with four HU students from different backgrounds, including Palestinian-Dutch to show other students how to talk to each other about sensitive matters. Read more
Student party VSP attacks university for being ‘leftist’ and ‘woke’
VSP, the new student party in the University Council and one of the faculty councils, aims to be a dissonant voice to what they consider an excessively left-leaning university. Is far-right ideology becoming more popular at UU? Read more
Would you like to help DUB get a sense of what the UU community thinks about debates in education, research and policy? Then join the DUB Panel! It is a group of students and employees to whom DUB regularly asks to react to a statement.
Should UU abolish cum laude diplomas? Should it become easier to get a 10 on an exam? Should there be a limit of guests students can invite for their graduation ceremony? These are some of the questions the DUB Panel has reacted to recently.
If you're interested or have any questions, please contact dubredactie@uu.nl.
USC students accused of rape and misconduct while working as lifeguards
UU and the HU are shocked after the newspaper Algemeen Dagblad published an article about how members of the USC fraternity behave inappropriately while working as lifeguards in Texel. Read more
Thousands of international students receive wrong message from DUO
Study finance provider DUO sent a message to 8,590 European students and graduates saying they would receive an allowance. But that was a mistake: they are not eligible for the allowance. Read more
LSVb and ISO chairs seek successors
The fine for students who take longer to graduate may be off the table, but that doesn't mean the students chairing the National Student Union (LSVb) and the Dutch National Student Association (ISO) will sit idle. There is still plenty to fight for. Read more
Employment with a human face
Blog - Why do recent graduates often feel invisible and unwanted in the labour market, even though companies say they are looking for motivated and talented candidates? Angelika's theory: looking for a job is comparable to gambling. Read more
Netherlands has the most young people with side jobs
Few young people in the Netherlands are sitting idle. The vast majority of them study or work, with 75 percent doing both. That's much more than other EU countries. Read more
Six contenders announced for UU Teacher Awards
Who will become Utrecht University's 30th Teacher of the Year? And what about the Teacher Talent Award? The six nominees for the annual prize have been announced. Read more
UMCU researchers get EU grants
Fifteen scientists working for Dutch knowledge institutions will receive a proof of concept grant from the EU, worth 150,000 euros. The University Medical Centre Utrecht is getting three grants, but Utrecht University got none. Read more
Government supports researchers looking to bring inventions to market
Silent hoovers, batteries without lithium, a faster treatment for lung cancer. The Dutch government has earmarked 19 million euros to help scientists bring their inventions to market. Read more
NWO employees not allowed to use ChatGPT
NWO reviewers and collaborators are not allowd to use generative AI programmes such as ChatGPT and Perplexity when deciding how to distribute research money. Applicants can do as they please, as long as they're transparent about it. Read more
‘We kept the programme educational and fun’
"This laptop could be a threat!" Many UU employees were startled when opening their laptops this month and seeing this message. It was an invitation to attend the Privacy & Security Parade. Read more
Humanities lectures to be moved to Dom Square
Humanities students will start attending lectures in a building owned by the municipality, located at Dom Square, in February. The lectures will remain there for two years while Drift 21 is being renovated. Read more
Old Earth Sciences building gets new owner
Kadans Science Partner is the new owner of the building, which is undergoing renovations. The works are expected to be completed in 2027. After that, UU will rent the building to temporarily house the biologists and chemists working in the Kruyt building. Read more
JanIsDeMan to paint mural on Groeneveld building
The Utrecht-based artist JanIsDeMan is going to paint a mural on the Groeneveld building this spring. The artwork was initiated by the student section of the University Council. Read more
Humanities Faculty Council concerned about rush to implement austerity measures
In a letter to the faculty board, the faculty council expressed their concern about the speed with which the austerity measures are supposed to be implemented. The council calls for "realistic deadlines". Read more
Utrecht is a great place for bookish types. Are you familiar with all the bookstores in the city? From big stores offering a broad selection to small niche stores focusing on a specific topic or genre, Utrecht has something for everyone. Our new blogger Hana Noshie made a list for you.
Professor and poet Esther Jansma dies aged 66
Esther Jansma had two passions: science and poetry. And she excelled in both. The Professor of Dendrochronology died last Thursday, just months after being knighted for her work. Read more
Hackers stole the 'keys' to TU Eindhoven
The hackers that attacked TU Eindhoven a couple of weeks ago had the login details of a student and an employee of the university, reports the newspaper De Volkskrant. The university has informed other institutions about it. Read more
Dutch coalition parties VVD, NSC and BBB want to keep international students here
Dutch citizens will also be screened, says minister
Students and researchers from outside Europe are not the only ones soon to be subjected to screening when involved in "sensitive" fields of study. Dutch nationals will be screened too. Read more
Ekko allows visitors to decide how much to pay for concert tickets
There will be three price categories and people will be able to decide for themselves which one to pay. The venue hopes this will make concerts more affordable for those with less money to spend. Read more
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Coming up: Should European students receive student financing from DUO when serving at the University Council? | Students temporarily living on Ravellaan must now move out