These past ten days, DUB has published several reflections on education and research. A group of lecturers that experimented with a more creative course evaluation format old us about the pros and cons of the new method. We also had a nice conversation with Anton van den Hoeven, whose forty-year career as student counsellor and educational law expert puts him in a great position to evaluate what has improved and what has deteriorated in Dutch higher education. Last but not least, we gave the floor to Judith van de Kamp, who told us what can go wrong with internships in low-income countries. For a complete overview of our news and articles, visit dub.uu.nl/en.
A fine for students who take longer to graduate? Ill-considered, unwise and unfair
DUB Panel - Although it hadn’t appeared in a single election manifesto, the new cabinet is introducing a fine for students who take longer than one year extra to graduate. DUB asked its panel what it thinks. Read more
Creative evaluations yield richer, more nuanced feedback
Six Humanities lecturers experimented with a more associative and creative evaluation method to verify whether it would improv the quantity and the quality of the information collected. Read more
‘Current students are the victims of the rules on quick graduation that have gone overboard’
He doesn’t just know the rules about study financing, student selection, or binding study advice. Anton van den Hoeven also knows their history and the principles behind them. Read more
Government alters plans but tough budget cuts remain
The government has abandoned cuts of 215 million euros to the universities’ national sector plans. It intends to scrap starter and incentive grants instead. Read more
12 student bars that are definitely worth a visit
DUB compiled a list of twelve bars and cafés that are very popular among students in Utrecht. The list is far from being exhaustive, but we wonder what YOUR favourite bar is. Read more
Train delayed? UU students Daan and Michael help you get a refund
Did you know that, in some cases, you can ask for your money back if your train is delayed? UU student Daan Ykema and graduate Michael Hilhorst designed a website that helps travellers get refunded. Read more
More than 131,000 people sign petition against slow-progress penalty
A total of 131,214 people signed a petition to protest the government's proposal to fine students who take longer than one year extra to graduate. "Slow" students would have to pay 3,000 euros extra. Read more
SSH to disallow 'hospiteren' in new buildings
The students living in SSH's new housing complexes will not be allowed to choose their roommates. SSH has decided to ban the practice known as hospiteren, when students audition for a room. Read more
‘Students' theses are valuable: they are free research’
In 2008, the Human Geography & Spatial Planning programme decided to throw out all its paper theses. Now, lecturers and researchers regret the decision and are trying to restore the archive. Read more
‘It’s about time universities review international internships’
Judith van de Kamp, Assistant Professor of Global Health Education, studies internships abroad. According to her, many students are unprepared to do internships in low-income countries. Read more
Dutch Research Council and open science to get less money too
The new Dutch cabinet is still planning on making major cuts to the higher education and research budget. The Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Open Science will also have to tighten their belts. Read more
International researchers bag EU grants for the Netherlands
Eleven organisations protested the planned budget cuts this Monday at Dom Square. In total, a billion euros will be taken away from higher education and research. The protest group WOinActie called for a strike. Read more
Christian students protest abortion at Utrecht Science Park
Bagpipes, trumpets and drums sounded across Utrecht Science Park, accompanied by people chanting slogans like "a child is a blessing, not a disease” through the megaphone. Read more
Utrecht professor becomes hero after confronting homophobe vlogger
Assistant professor Bart Lutters unintentionally became a national symbol of courage and decency. He stood up for the person being insulted by vlogger Valentino in a video that went viral. Read more
Leader of new student party will not join University Council
Lloyd-Lennard Opdam obtained a lot of votes in the latest elections, but he will not join the University Council after all. The Governance student decided to go to Italy on exchange instead. Read more
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Blog - We are all worried about the environment and want to help somehow. But is changing our lifestyles enough? "By beating ourselves up over our actions, it seems like big institutions are not the ones ruining the environment, we all are," writes Iren. Read more
Dialogue between protesters and administrators proves difficult
It wasn't just in Utrecht that a dialogue between pro-Palestine protesters and university administrators failed to produce the desired results. Why is such a conversation so hard? Read more
Few protests at opening of new academic year
Pro-Palestinian voices could be heard here and there around the ceremonies to celebrate the beginning of the academic year, but there were no riots or occupations. Administrators said conciliatory words. Read more
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Coming up: Another chapter in the saga of the students being forced to move out of Tuindorp-West | Reactions to the government's budget announcement