The temperatures have finally dropped and students are finally starting to notice UU's decision to set the heating two degrees lower. Do you feel cold in the lecture halls? Speaking of rising energy costs, it looks like many UU employers are having to tighten up their belts, which is why unions are asking the university to give them a bonus. Last but not least, DUB has taken a closer look at the reasons for UU not to have established anonymous testing as a mandatory policy yet. For a complete overview of our news and articles, visit dub.uu.nl/en.
'My hands get cold sometimes. That's annoying'
In April, UU decided to turn down its heating to 19 degrees Celsius. Now that the weather is getting colder, DUB wonders whether students are feeling cold in the lecture halls. “My fingers got stiff and blue.” Read more
Analysis: the long road towards anonymised examination
Combatting racism, sexism and discrimination is among UU's top ambitions. Still, the university has been reluctant to impose anonymised examination, a form of grading that should remove any biases. Why? Read more
New mobile data security measures not user friendly, say employees
Since this summer, it's only possible for employees to access their work e-mails and calendars on their smartphones by logging in to a protected Microsoft environment. Read more
The Netherlands has a lot of PhD candidates with their ‘own’ funding
More than half of the PhD candidates at Dutch universities (55 percent) are employed by the universities where they conduct their research. The rest are covering their own costs or are on a foreign grant. Read more
How to pay off 30,000 euros in student loans in only two years
Maaike Wind was so embarrassed about owing more than 50,000 euros worth of student loans that she devised a strategy to pay it all off as fast as possible. Now she's launching a book with tricks and tips. Read more
Writer's block - or is it?
As a student, you sure have experienced writer's block at least once. Our blogger Katrina is no stranger to it, either. This month, she shares her experiences with this frightful feeling and gives fellow students tips on how to overcome it. Read more
Cooking your 21st dinner with groceries from Lidl
Ever heard of the 21 Dinner? The tradition is becoming more and more popular in the Netherlands. The idea is to celebrate your 21st birthday with a dinner party at your parents'. But not everyone can afford that. Read more
"Inflation". Click here to read the rest!
Setback in healthcare policy affects thousands of UU employees
Next year, health insurance is going to be more expensive for many UU employees. Not only are the insurance companies implementing price increases but the collective discount is also no more. Read more
Unions want to give all UU employees a little bonus
The unions in the Local Consultation would like the university to give all staff members a supplementary amount to cope with the inflation. Such a bonus could be financed by the working conditions budget. Read more
Utrecht and Wageningen top Keuzegids rankings again
The universities of Utrecht and Wageningen have kept the number one positions in the 2023 edition of the Keuzegids rankings. Their Bachelor’s degrees are considered the best in the country. Read more
Show about inappropriate behaviour jeopardised
The show was supposed to be a cooperation between UU and the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU). However, a majority of members of the HU Council turned against the proposal. Read more
Critical journalism in higher education dates back to the sixties
All universities in the Netherlands have their own journalistic outlets. That's a heritage of the sixties, explains DUB's editor-in-chief Ries Agterberg ahead of a conference about these platforms. Read more
How about talking to someone outside your bubble?
UU scientists had conversations with three hundred people visiting Utrecht's libraries. The goal was to make science more accessible and engage people from all walks of life. Read more
Pandemic over, student drop-out higher
In the last academic year, a lot more first-year students dropped out than in the two preceding years, which were marked by the coronavirus pandemic. More seniors threw in the towel as well. The number of freshers dropping out went from 5 percent to 7 percent. Read more
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Read much more at www.dub.uu.nl/en. Coming up: What are the university's priorities in terms of diversity and inclusion and what do students and employees think about that? Plus, a series of op-eds written by students from countries in conflict or experiencing political tensions.