How big is your room? DUB is on a quest to find out the biggest and the smallest student room in Utrecht. In the meantime, we visited two students, one who struggles to find a place for any new items and another one whose room is so big it serves as a meeting point for her friends. In this newsletter, you'll also find the second part of our series on internships and an interview with a Master's student whose thesis shows the obstacles faced by students with invisible disabilities. For a complete overview of our news and articles, visit dub.uu.nl/en.
Students find UU's internship supervision mediocre
The internship supervision provided by the university is only passable, according to DUB's Internship Survey. The average grade was 6.2. A quarter of respondents even gave it an unsatisfactory grade. Read more
‘Students with invisible disabilities often run into barriers at university’
Tara Tankink is touching a raw nerve with her study on the experiences of students with invisible disabilities at Utrecht University. Her work exposes how unseen these students feel at UU. Read more
Some students live in a shoebox, others in a ballroom
Getting a room is so hard that students can't be picky when it comes to size. But some get lucky. DUB visited Meike, who fits all her stuff in 8 square metres, and Luca, who has a 35-square metre "palace". Read more
‘Finish your piece and new ideas will come’
Max Urai recently won the C.C.S. Crone Stipend, a scholarship for promising Utrecht-based writers. The former UU student, who has published fiction and essays in literary magazines, is currently working on his debut novel. Read more
Do you have what it takes to be DUB's campus columnist in 2024? DUB is looking for two columnists, one for the English page and another one for the Dutch page. Interested? All you have to do is submit two columns. A panel of experts will choose the best entries in each language. In addition to having a bimonthly column for a year, the winners will get a stipend of 1,000 euros each. More info here.
You can't prepare for TheatreSports
Video - 19 teams from the Netherlands and Belgium gathered in the Parnassos Theatre to decide which would be next year's improv champion. DUB watched this year's competition and talked to participants about how it works. Read more
Campus columnist - Helen is leaving her side job as a dishwasher, but not without writing a breakup letter first. "Together, we've seen sides of Utrecht that few get to experience," she writes. But "let's be honest, we're not a perfect fit." Read more
Interest rate on student debt to rise, despite opposition from the Parliament
The interest rate on student debt will rise to 2.56 percent next year, even for students who missed out on the chance of a basic student grant. The House of Representatives wanted to freeze rates for this group, but the government says no. Read more
Dutch universities: slightly fewer international freshers this year
For the first time in years, the intake of international Bachelor’s students has decreased slightly in the Netherlands. Dutch universities are calling on politicians not to take radical measures against internationalisation. Read more
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‘NWO and KNAW should be more critical of the fossil industry’
The Dutch Research Council and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences should be more critical of collaborations with the fossil fuel industry, according to 450 employees of thirteen universities and eleven research institutes. Read more
Netherlands spends less on STEM than other countries
The Netherlands is lagging behind its international competitors in spending on STEM. The number of new Bachelor’s students in STEM programmes is also relatively low. Read more
‘Scientific research must be replicable’
Why is scientific research often so hard to replicate? The Netherlands Reproducibility Network, a new project launched last week with a bit of support from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), intends to address this issue. Read more
Bombs, dismissal and censorship pose worldwide threats to science
From murder to dismissal: this year, human rights organisation Scholars at Risk counted 409 attacks on academic freedom in 66 countries — an increase compared to last year. Read more
Cutting back on English-taught courses and setting a cap on the number of international students are but two of the measures on the table in the Dutch Parliament. How do international students and staff members feel about that? Do they still feel welcome at university? Do they perceive any negative attitudes towards them? Help us find the answers to all those questions by filling in the questionnaire. It only takes ten minutes!
What’s going on with coffee prices at UU?
Has the coffee in UU's coffee machines gotten too expensive or is the price simply accompanying inflation? How come coffee costs 1.45 euros in one of the machines and 1.30 euros in another? Economics student Simon Huijben investigates. Read more
Olympos' renovation is a complex puzzle
The dice is cast. Sports centre Olympos will stay in its current location, even after the new building and additional fields are ready. Still, plenty of questions remain. For instance, what's going to happen to the community garden? Read more
‘We expect academics to use the language of humanity, compassion, and hope'
Opinion - Religion scholars Eric Ottenheijm, Itamar Ben Ami, and Pooyan Tamimi Arab are deeply concerned about the students' calling UU to unilaterally condemn Israel and engage in an academic boycott. Read more
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest news about UU and university life. If you would like to share something with us, please feel free to send us a message. Prefer sending an e-mail? No problem. Write to dubredactie@uu.nl.
Read much more at www.dub.uu.nl/en. Coming up: An interview with two students who experienced the conflict between Israel and Palestine first-hand; How did the current campus columnists evaluate their experience?